15 Best The Big Bang Theory Episodes

2. The Adhesive Duck Deficiency

Season 3, Episode 8 Title Reference: Sheldon comments that he has adhesive ducks in his bath tub and if Penny had had them then she wouldn't have slipped over. Leonard, Raj and Howard go on a camping trip to watch a meteor shower while Sheldon stays at home. When Penny slips in the shower and needs Sheldon's help he helps her dress and drives her to the hospital. She returns drugged for the pain and , in a hilarious role reversal, asks Sheldon to sing "soft kitty" to her. Meanwhile the boys are given some cookies by some women camping near by and which turn out to contain drugs. They spend the rest of the time stoned, telling each other their deepest secrets and some mindless rubbish, while also desperately searching for food. They are about to raid the boy scouts camp until they find an "I love you brisket in Howard's pack" from his mother. Best Moment: All the scenes where Raj, Leonard and Howard are stoned.

I am a guy who loves watching movies, listening to music and playing video games. I also love picking them apart and finding what's good about them and what's bad about them, and then telling everyone else about them.