15 Best The Big Bang Theory Episodes

12. The Pancake Batter Anomaly

Season 1, Episode 11 Title Reference: The measuring cup that Leonard uses to make pancakes and Sheldon uses for urine samples. When Sheldon gets sick all of the guys know to head for the hills to avoid having to take care of him. After Leonard flees the apartment and Howard impersonates his mother to avoid Sheldon they head to the cinema to watch a Planet of the Apes marathon. Unfortunately Leonard has his glasses broken after they fall onto the floor so he must return home to retrieve his spare pair. Meanwhile, Sheldon had turned up at the Cheesecake Factory and Penny brings him home where she is forced to look after him. She is made to sing "soft kitty" to him, which is the first time in the show that the somewhat iconic song was sung. Leonard returns with Howard and Raj and is forced to crawl along the floor with a camera on his head so that Howard can guide him to his room. Before he can make it he is caught by Penny who informs Sheldon of his arrival and leaves. Leonard chases after her but runs into a wall in the apartment. He is then stuck looking after Sheldon and nursing a sore head to boot. Best Moment: Leonard rushes from the apartment, half dressed, to escape Sheldon as he shouts to him that he is sick.

I am a guy who loves watching movies, listening to music and playing video games. I also love picking them apart and finding what's good about them and what's bad about them, and then telling everyone else about them.