15 Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine Episodes

Brooklyn 99 is coming to end, so it's time to relive its noicest moments...

Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Box Jake Holt

Brooklyn Nine-Nine premiered back in 2013, and instantly struck a chord with audiences thanks to its quirky sense of humour, ability to tackle serious social issues without slipping into all-out drama, and the top tier work of its ensemble cast.

The police procedural sitcom was initially cancelled by original studio Fox after its fifth season, before being saved by NBC (and a remarkable fan outcry) for an unprecedented sixth season. Just recently, it was revealed the show would come to an end once and for all with its abbreviated eighth chapter.

Though this isn't great news for the show's longtime fans, Brooklyn Nine-Nine is sure to go out with a bang, as up until this point it's been a joy to see characters like Jake Peralta, Raymond Holt, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiago and Rosa Diaz grow and develop over the years.

So, instead of getting upset the show's coming to an end, we're instead going to happily reminisce about Dan Goor and Michael Schur's masterful series, by counting down Brooklyn Nine-Nine's 15 greatest episodes (so far).

This article contains spoilers.

15. Adrian Pimento (Season 3, Episode 17)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Box Jake Holt

As the show has gone on, Brooklyn Nine-Nine has proven more than once to be about more than the core group of the precinct. Though The Vulture, Madeline Wuntch and Doug Judy are all great, though, none are quite as scene stealing and memorable as Adrian Pimento.

First appearing in season three's eponymous episode, Adrian burst onto the scene and elevated the tension and insanity of the show to new heights.

Coming off a 12-year stint of undercover work for a ruthless mobster, Adrian spends his debut working alongside Jake and trying to re-integrate himself into standard police work, whilst hilariously - and tragically - trying to battle his many demons.

Adrian Pimento is an episode that keeps you on your toes, as it's constantly up in the air whether Adrian's a bad guy or not, but also revels in its over-the-top humour and surprisingly sweet undertones.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool.