15 Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine Episodes

13. Johnny & Dora (Season 2, Episode 23)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Box Jake Holt

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is all about the 99th precinct and its lead detectives, but at the centre of every episode is Andy Samberg's brilliant Jake Peralta. A goofy, lovable mess who also manages to be the best cop around, his relationships with Captain Holt, Amy, and Charles form the backbone of the show's biggest storylines.

Of all his relationships, though, it's his time with Amy that stands tall above the rest. Starting the show as flirtatious, feuding colleagues out to better each other, Jake realises early in the show's run that he loves her.

In Johnny and Dora, then, it was great to see the pair come to terms with their relationship, as they go undercover as the eponymous couple to spy on a mob boss. As the mission gets more complex, the adorable pair finally admit their feelings for one another.

In the background of this development, Holt is booted from the 99 by Madeline Wuntch, and the show took one of its earliest big risks.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool.