15 Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine Episodes

11. The Tattler (Season 6, Episode 3)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Box Jake Holt

One thing that's made clear at various points throughout the show is that Jake and Gina have a long history, and have been friends since childhood (much like Andy Samberg and Chelsea Peretti).

In season six's The Tattler, just before Gina leaves the 99 in the following episode, fans are given some added insight into the pairs complicated and surprisingly underexplored relationship as they attend their 20-year high school reunion and uncover some devastating truths about their friendship.

The episode is equal parts goofy and sweet, as Amy tags along and tries to fix a student's science project and Gina realises - through Jake's advice and her own Gina-centric subplot - that she's not getting the best out of herself working with the 99.

The Tattler is one of those rare Brooklyn Nine-Nine episodes where things slow down enough to really dig into the relationships of its characters, and the results are divine.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.