15 Best Futurama Episodes

6. Time Keeps On Slippin' (Season 3, Episode 14)

Futurama Characters

Time Keeps on Slippin' features several different subplots, all working together to create one of the most mind-melting, comical and touching episodes of the entire show.

Accepting a challenge to battle the Harlem Globetrotters in a basketball match, The Professor attempts to make a team of mutants, only for his experimentation to cause time to jump forward uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Fry try to express his feelings to Leela, Bender vies to become a Globetrotter, and the Globetrotters themselves are revealed to be as intelligent (and strange) as The Professor.

Not only are all of these developments typically, expertly crass, over-the-top and even nonsensical, the episode soars to greater heights thanks to final moments, where Fry's message of love to Leela is sucked into a black hole before she has a chance to see it.

A great addition to Fry and Leela's development, it's a seriously weird episode with the heart to back it up.

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