15 Best Futurama Episodes

11. The Sting (Season 4, Episode 12)

Futurama Characters

In The Sting, an episode inspired by the writers' desire to "kill off" a main character, Fry is seemingly killed by a large bee and Leela slips into a deep grieving process, characterised by frequent dreams about her departed love interest.

Constantly twisting and shocking, a big draw of The Sting is the animation, which is more vibrant and electric than almost any other episode of the show, particularly in Leela's strange and beautiful dreamscapes.

But the true brilliance of the episode lies with its character development. Fry and Leela's relationship had always been at the forefront of the series' core narrative, and here it's given a great amount of time to be explored and dissected.

Marrying the show's knack for imaginative plot twists and emotional drama amongst the silly jokes, The Sting is a high point of Futurama's run, and a massively important instalment of Fry and Leela's will-they-won't-they story.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.