15 Best Horror TV Series
10. The Returned
French series The Returned tackled the zombie genre with a fresh and unique approach. They feel far more like lost spirits than flesh-and-blood ghouls. These aren't ravenous, flesh-eating shells of their former selves; they're confused individuals returning to their loved ones in the same condition as when they died. In many ways, that's far more frightening; particularly with the way each 'zombie's' return to their old life is handled. It's a modestly paced series, but the implications of these characters' return and how it disrupts the lives of their loved ones left behind makes for really compelling telly.
The first episode kicks off with a gut-wrenching reunion that leaves you with no choice but to binge the whole series: the first 'returner', a little girl, obliviously wanders home from the cliff that she died on years previously, and is met by her ashen-faced mother. She is completely unaware of why her parents look so shaken, until her twin sister comes home - now several years older than her. It's so well done.