15 Best New TV Characters Of The Decade

13. Rebecca Bunch - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Game Of Thrones Tyrion Eastwatch
The CW

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is not a show for everyone. Musical comedy is a pretty niche genre anyway, then add in Rebecca’s unabashed sexuality and the fact that the show wears its progressiveness on its sleeve in a meta courting way, and you’ve got a real love it or hate it show on your hands.

Though she’s not troubling the top ten, it’s difficult to think of a character who sums up the way television has changed this decade more than Rebecca Bunch. Maybe Hannah Horvath from Girls, but she’s too rampantly hated to really be in contention. Bunch then marks a less controversial choice.

If you’re into comedy songs, she’s one of the best in the business, and to have two in every episode across four seasons is hugely impressive.

The fact the songs tackle everything from UTIs and yeast infections to parental pressure to mental health to sexuality to the unseen weight on the Jewish people that still looms from the Holocaust, Rachel Bloom (who plays Bunch and writes every song) is clearly very talented lyricist.

Flipping every romcom trope on its head, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend shouldn’t have slipped as far under the radar as it did.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)