15 Best New TV Characters Of The Decade

12. The Countess - American Horror Story

Game Of Thrones Tyrion Eastwatch

American Horror Story’s anthology style means we only ever get one season with a character to get to know them. Across the first five especially, we were treated to some excellent characters worthy of being in the conversation here.

Lana Winters, Madison Montgomery, Tate Langdon, Liz Taylor, Elsa Mars, Myrtle Snow, Dandy Mott, Madame Delphine, Sister Mary Eunice... the list just goes on and on, and that’s even limiting it to one per actor.

The Countess though just beats out her competition, for a couple of reasons. Though Lady Gaga had acted before, this was her real breakthrough role. Her stature and the largely unexpected success of her in the part of The Countess made it arguably AHS’ most iconic role ever.

Stiff competition from other AHS alumni aside, the Countess is a character who fully buys into all the themes AHS is known for.

Sex appeal, highly stylised violence, failed romance, tragic history and buckets of blood, the Countess is American Horror Story poured into a haute couture diamond gown. With electric energy, killer moves and some memorable lines, the Countess emerges as one of the 21st Century’s best new characters.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)