15 Best New TV Shows Of 2020 (So Far)

5. Katy Keene

Normal People

If there was one flaw with the CW's sleeper hit success Riverdale (and there are many), it would be that the campy, intentionally over-the-top show is sometimes a little too dark for its own good.

Like Gossip Girl before it, the show occasionally touches on more serious issues in its quest for corny storylines, and can become a bit tonally muddled as a result.

Luckily Katy Keene, the musical YA spin-off of the Archie Comics adaptation, has no such issues.

A breezy Lucy Hale vehicle, this show follows the titular designer as she and a handful of quirky artists friends attempt to make a name for themselves in the big, neon-lit and always dramatic city, falling in and out of jobs and love alike.

The songs are catchy, and this one is a fun slice of teen fun whose bright mood doesn't limit its dramatic turns and many twisty plots.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.