15 Best New TV Shows Of 2020 (So Far)

7. Locke and Key

Normal People

Over a decade after becoming a major name in the world of horror fiction, Heart Shaped Box author/son of Stephen King, Joe Hill, had still never had a successful adaptation of his work launch his name to mainstream fame.

Of course, like buses, after myriad delays two soon came along at once.

But where last year's dark, disturbing miniseries NOS4A2 showed the writer at his most expansive and adult, 2020's Netflix series Locke and Key is a spooky, fun throwback to eighties teen genre fare.

Following a group of kids who relocate to an austere old mansion only to discover it home to all manner of magic (and maybe dangerous) portals, this graphic novel adaptation is a perfect slice of early horror for tentative teens who've graduated from Gremlins but aren't quite up for Suspiria yet.

Each door opens to a new adventure, some surprisingly scary, but it's the believable and poignant family interactions which will see you return to this one.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.