15 Best Teen Wolf Episodes

The best of the pack.

Teen Wolf

Over exactly one-hundred episodes, spread over six epic seasons, Teen Wolf gave audiences one hell of a good ride. With its dark and ominous tone, lovable characters, thrilling antagonists and excellent blend of supernatural horror and high school comedy-drama, the show had an awful lot to love and proved time and time again to be a fan favourite of its genre.

Though like many shows Teen Wolf had its rough patches, all its faults were often counteracted by the great characters and the well-written mysteries that ran through each season.

It has been nearly four years since the show came to an end, and for this list we're going to taking a trip down memory lane and remembering the best episodes of the series. Whether it's a pitch-perfect slice of horror, a gruelling psychological thriller or a spotless character study, these episodes stand out as the most exciting, game-changing moments the show ever graced fans with.

So, with a final warning about upcoming spoilers, here are the 15 greatest episodes of Teen Wolf.

15. Insatiable (Season 3, Episode 23)

Teen Wolf

With its penultimate season three episode, Teen Wolf did something it never fully committed to again: It killed a main character. By this point in the season, Stiles had been mostly freed from the Nogistune's grip, but there was still a lot of work to do. The dark spirit had taken the shape of Stiles, and kidnapped Lydia.

Insatiable has a lot of great moments, including Coach Finstock standing up to villainous Eichen House guard Brunski and Meredith Walker making a welcome and funny return. Later, the pack gear up to take on the Nogistune and its forces - the mysterious and unstoppable Oni - and Scott and Stiles are able to save Lydia.

Only, it all proves to be one big trap, as Allison is killed and dies in Scott's arms, and the Nogistune escapes more powerful than ever. For many, Allison's death remains the saddest and most shocking moment of the entire show, and the twist still stands as the best moment in an episode bursting with things to love.

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Teen Wolf
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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other