15 Best The Simpsons Songs Ever

1. See My Vest

Mr Burns is such an integral part of the show, involved in so many great moments that See My Vest might not even break his top five. When it comes to musical numbers though, there’s no way anything else could be on top.

The parody of Beauty & The Beast’s Be Our Guest has some spectacularly creative lyrics, and the use of the animation to display all the weird and wonderful costumes Burns has made from various animals is just fantastic. The Simpsons rarely does cutaways so seeing them fly through so many here is a joy to watch.

It sort of feels out of character for old C. Montgomery, but it also feels sort of perfect, which is why it works so well. It just about straddles the line of ridiculousness to be effective.

It’s another one of those songs that, storywise, adds nothing to the episode. Burns wants to make a coat out of the dogs a la 101 Dalmatians, but the reveal needn’t be a lengthy musical number. However, when the idea is this perfect and execution this flawless, you can’t really imagine the episode without it.

What do you think is the best Simpsons song? Let us know down in the comments.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)