15 Best The Simpsons Songs Ever

2. We Put The Spring In Springfield

Emmy winning We Put The Spring In Springfield was one of the many high points of the amazing Season Eight, but has to settle for silver here. A lot of other songs have won praise so far for how well they included some lesser cast members, but Spring In Springfield goes above and beyond.

It starts out with just Homer, Belle and the various girls of the burlesque house, but soon evolves to include most of the residents of the town. Jasper and Abe getting their own aside is brilliant, as is the unexpected harmony from Jimbo, Kearney and Dolph.

As well as these little verses sprinkled in, it’s the chorus constantly comparing the burlesque house to various different things that makes it so great. They just keep coming and coming, getting ever more creative as the song goes on.

The background animation of the town completely destroying the place only adds to it too. Especially Moleman desperately trying to hold on to his flaming arrow.

Spare a thought for Marge. Her Carnal Forbearance follow up was never going to match this one, even before her runaway bulldozer interrupted her.

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The Simpsons
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