15 Best The Simpsons Songs Ever

13. Baby On Board

Like Everybody Hates Ned Flanders, Baby On Board represents The Simpsons having a crack at an actual song, rather than a comedy number. Yvan Eht Nioj, another song of this ilk, just missed the cut too.

Unlike Everybody Hates Ned Flanders though, Baby On Board comes from an utterly fantastic episode. Homer’s Barbershop Quartet, the episode which spawned The B Sharps and in turn Baby On Board, could very easily claim to be in The Simpsons’ top episodes ever.

A huge part of that is the clear love and craft the writing staff put into this one. Baby On Board is catchy, sweet, and perfectly fits the barbershop tone of the group.

It’s not crammed with laughs, but it doesn’t have to be. The point of it is to hold the episode together; to be a believable hit for the rest of the plot to be built around. The funny legwork is done by the rest of the gags, like Jasper auditioning by singing the wordless Theme From A Summer Place, Wiggum desperately trying to weasel back into the band, or Homer asking George Harrison where he got that brownie.

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