15 Best The Simpsons Songs Ever

8. Checkin’ In

When The Simpsons headed to New York in The City Of New York Vs. Homer Simpson, the parodies of the city that never sleeps are a little hit and miss. It’s unfortunate too, given the tragedy of September 11th, that so much time is spent focused on the Twin Towers.

One thing they certainly get right though is Broadway. Rather than just a parody of another famous show (which would surely have been easier), the show creates an entirely new musical based on The Betty Ford Rehab Centre. With that comes the leading song, Checkin’ In, which definitely has the quality to serve as a Broadway hit.

The satire is timeless; rehab centres are the death and taxes of the showbiz world. Even the clear Charlie Sheen influence on the actors appearance doesn’t look all that out of date today.

Seeing as this is featured as an in-universe musical, it really needs to tell a story above all else. There’s a lot of chuckle worthy lines in there, but the fact it works as its own narrative is probably most impressive. It has nothing to do with the episode’s plot, but then it doesn’t really need to.

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The Simpsons
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)