15 Best TV Episodes Of 2015

6. The Flash - Out Of Time

You're smart Cisco, but you're not that smart. It was a tough choice between this episode and the Season 1 finale Fast Enough for best episode of The Flash this year, but there are a couple of elements that I think give this one the edge (but really, they're both superb). This is, simply put, the episode in which Cisco figures out who Reverse-Flash is, Harrison Wells then kills Cisco, and Barry finally tells Iris how he feels about her. And as big and emotional as those moments are, they're then ripped away and the show is changed irreversibly as time-travel is introduced, with Barry going back a day in order to stop Weather Wizard. The Flash has a tendency to go at a blistering pace, and that's the case again here. All those moments mentioned above take place in the final third of the show, which is really just crazy to think about. It works, though, because it was set up throughout, the face-off with Mark Mardon building to that most dramatic of conclusions. This episode had everything that makes a strong episode of The Flash: some great action, Tom Cavanagh getting to do his thing, and lots of emotional heft while still maintaining a sense of fun at times as well. Even better, the ripples of this episode have continued to play out throughout the series, and we may not have seen the last of that.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.