15 Best TV Episodes Of 2015

5. Jessica Jones - AKA Sin Bin

Granted, it is a mundane name, but "Kilgrave"? Talk about obvious. Was "Murdercorpse" already taken? The first fruits of Marvel and Netflix's deal to produce four individual series, before a Defenders team-up, gave us one of the best new shows of the year in Daredevil. There was a lot riding on Jessica Jones to even come close to matching it. Not only did it do that, but it arguably topped it as well, delivering a story that was every bit as tense, and yet incredibly personal and emotionally powerful. AKA Sin Bin, the 9th episode of the season, is the one that best represents all that is great about this show. AKA Sin Bin sees Jessica finally have Kilgrave captured, and locked up in a glass box that allows her to safely communicate with him, like something straight out of a Hannibal Lecter movie. It sheds more light on Kilgrave's traumatic past, the events that led him to becoming the villain we see throughout the series, and it's almost enough to make you feel sorry for him, especially in the way David Tennant sells it. But then he forces his mother to stab herself with a pair of garden shears, and you remember just how much of a monster he really is. Krysten Ritter is, once again, absolutely fantastic in this episode. Tennant has rightly received a lot of praise, but it shouldn't be overlooked that Ritter is the true star of this series, and her fury, her pleasure in turning the tables on Kilgrave, her shock at his escape, and then that dawning realisation he no longer has a hold over her, are all played absolutely perfectly, giving us one of the most dramatic and exciting episodes of not just the series, but of the entire year.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.