15 Dead Game Of Thrones Characters (That Are Still Alive In The Books)

5. Myrcella Baratheon

Game Of Thrones Stannis Baratheon

Myrcella, the second child of Jaime and Cersei Lannister, is sent to Dorne in the second season of the television series by Tyrion Lannister, as he seeks to build an alliance with Dornish Prince Doran Martell by marrying her to his son, Trystane. Cersei hates him for this, later seeking to secure Myrcella's return by sending Jaime to take her back by force.

Simultaneously, Ellaria Sand and three of the Sand Snakes, bastard daughters of Oberyn Martell, seek vengeance for their father, killed by Lannister bannerman Gregor Clegane. They look to kill the young princess as a result, despite Oberyn's poignant statement in season four that 'we don't kill little girls in Dorne'.

It's been widely accepted that the wholly original Dornish storyline in season five was an absolute mess from start to finish, with Jaime, his companion Bronn and the Sand Snakes all captured at the same time by Doran after just a few minutes of screen time across several episodes. 

Myrcella's surprising death in the final episode, en route to King's Landing, was not enough to redeem a storyline that was handled much better in the books, where more time is devoted to the use of Myrcella as a political pawn by Doran's daughter Arianne, who seduces Kingsguard member Arys Oakheart and recruits renowned knight Gerold 'Darkstar' Dayne in a plot to crown Myrcella as Queen of Westeros, in accordance with Dornish succession laws that do not discriminate between genders.

She is en route back to Kings Landing as of the end of A Dance With Dragons, so something may well happen to her on the journey, particularly given Doran's suspicions of Cersei's original request for the manner of her daughter's return. There is nothing to suggest that she will anything but fine, however, given the lack of bloodlust on the part of the book version of Ellaria.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.