15 Dead Game Of Thrones Characters (That Are Still Alive In The Books)

4. Catelyn Stark

Game Of Thrones Stannis Baratheon

Game of Thrones' third season introduced the concept of resurrection to television viewers, as Beric Dondarrion was revealed to have died on a number of occasions only to be revived by Thoros of Myr, a priest of R'hllor. Melisandre is also a priestess Lord of Light, lending credence to theories that Jon Snow may be brought back from the dead, but Beric remains the only person as-yet revived on the screen, though he and his Brotherhood without Banners haven't been seen or heard from since the end of season three.

The books made his fate much more explicit. Given the loss of memory and identity that came about with each death and subsequent revival, Beric opted to sacrifice his lifeforce to instead revive Catelyn Stark, who is found dead in a river by the Brotherhood following the infamous Red Wedding that claimed her life.

Though it's debatable as to whether Catelyn is truly 'alive', given that she hasn't returned as a point-of-view character, her actions have sent shockwaves across the Riverlands, as she has transformed the Brotherhood into a vengeful organisation set on murdering as many Freys as possible.

This is something that many book fans have been clamouring to see on screen, given that the Freys have thus far seemingly got off scott-free for their actions at the Red Wedding, but their pleas have so far gone unanswered. It seems that season six will revisit the Riverlands given the casting of several bandit characters, but has too much time now passed to reintroduce Catelyn and imply that she has been living a zombified existence?


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.