15 Dead Game Of Thrones Characters (That Are Still Alive In The Books)

7. Grenn & Pyp

Game Of Thrones Stannis Baratheon

The attack on the Wall, led by Mance Rayder's forces, is one of the most breathtaking action sequences in both the books and the series. It sees Jon Snow come into his own as a leader, taking command of the Night's Watch in their time of need. There are large losses on both sides, with some deaths exclusive to one medium or the other.

The books had the liberty of having more named Nights Watch characters to play with, but the only major casualty was Donal Noye, the one-armed former Baratheon blacksmith who goes toe-to-toe with the Mag the Mighty. On the series, Noye was never cast, so Grenn assumes this role, sacrificing his life and that of many of his unnamed brothers to prevent the giant's assault.

Pyp, who like Grenn joined the Watch at the same time as Jon, also perishes in the on-screen battle when he is skewered by Ygritte, Jon's lover who meets her own demise soon afterwards.

The series arguably made the right decision in killing off the pair, given that they have been lost in the crowd since A Storm Of Swords, serving little purpose other than to emphasise how Jon's leadership has created distance between him and his friends. Meanwhile, the continued survival of 'Dolorous' Edd still ensured that Jon had a significant supporting character at his side throughout season five.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.