15 Dead Game Of Thrones Characters (That Are Still Alive In The Books)

8. Hizdahr zo Loraq

Game Of Thrones Stannis Baratheon

Daenerys' conquest of the slave city of Meereen does not come as easily as her previous subjugations of the similar settlements of Astapor and Yunkai. After taking up residence in the city to both enforce her outlawing of slavery and learn to rule ahead of her journey to Westeros, she finds herself at odds with the Sons of the Harpy, a group that openly kill Unsullied, freed slaves and other individuals that support Daenerys' rule.

In the books, it is recommended to Dany that she take a noble Meereenese husband to placate the group. Hizdahr zo Loraq is recommended and delivers ninety days of peace in order to win her hand, strongly implying that he was a major player within the terroristic organisation. He is by her side when the city's Fighting Pits are reopened and she flees the city on Drogon's back leaving him to take charge. This prompts Barristan Selmy to depose him in the name of his Queen, which prompts the Sons of the Harpy to resume their atrocities.

On the television series, Hizdahr is depicted in a much more subjective manner, being forcibly taken as a fiancé by Dany. He again accompanies her to the reopening of the Pits, but here he is brutally murdered by the Sons of the Harpy instead of spared as Dany flees from their large-scale assault.

Presumably, the Sons will remain a threat to Meereen on the screen now that Tyrion Lannister and Varys will be running it in Dany's name. The identity of the mastermind behind their actions is therefore up for debate, assuming that Hizdahr's bloody death wasn't somehow faked for effect.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.