15 Most Deranged TV Psychopaths

5. Errol Childress - True Detective

HBOHBOIt was only fitting that a deeply gripping show like True Detective be completed by a suitably chilling antagonist and there are very few who are more deranged than Errol Childress or the Yellow King. We may only encounter the psychopathic giant in the show€™s final two episodes but the actions of the Yellow King had radiated in each of the first series€™ eight episodes. Childress is the illegitimate grandson of Sam Tuttle €“ the head of a powerful, entrenched family who we learn are involved in vile pagan sex acts and murder. Belonging to this family sees Childress suffer an abominable amount of abuse which culminates in his descent into psychotic madness. In the most memorable scene involving Childress, we see him in a dilapidated, isolated house where he lives having apparently regular sex with his disabled half-sister. As if these actions weren€™t deranged enough, we later see the Yellow King enter a shed around the rear of his house inside which his bloody father is chained to a bed with his mouth sewn shut. When Cohle and Hart finally stumble upon this horrifying abode it triggers a heart-pounding showdown between the duo and the Yellow King where we see all of the antagonist€™s depravity, physical strength and cunning come to the fore.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.