15 Most Deranged TV Psychopaths

11. Shane Walsh - The Walking Dead


When we first see Shane Walsh, he€™s discussing life with Rick Grimes in their patrol car in Georgia. The pair are best friends and partners. Shane then witnesses his partner get shot and enter a coma. When Rick finally wakes up, the world is a completely different place; infested with the dead who, much like Rick, have just awoken from their slumber.

Miraculously Rick manages to reunite himself with his wife Lori, son Carl and his partner, Shane. Unbeknownst to Rick, Shane had been visiting him while he was in coma and when the zombie outbreak took hold of the world he told Lori that Rick had died. Shane took it upon himself to take Lori and Carl under his wing believing that he€™d never see Rick - alive or dead - again. Lori, believing her husband was dead and overwhelmed by Shane€™s will to protect her and her son began a relationship with Shane. With Rick back on the scene this all changed. Lori was back by Rick€™s side and nothing could change that. Shane€™s position as the unspoken leader of the group was also slipping as everyone warmed to Rick and his ideas.

These things added up and caused Shane to have an irreversible breakdown. His animosity towards Rick begins in episode 5 with him contemplating shooting his former best-friend in the back. He then goes on to attempt to rape Lori and leaves Otis for dead on a supply run. After this he is seen shaving his head in what could be a homage to the equally deranged Travis Bickle. Shane€™s life ultimately ends when he is killed by Rick after attempting to lure him into the woods to kill him. Rick€™s son, Carl, kills zombie Shane shortly after.


Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.