15 Most Deranged TV Psychopaths

8. The Miniature Killer - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


With a TV show that has 2 spin-offs and at least two murders investigated in each episode, you€™d think it would be difficult to pick just one to feature on this list but you€™d be completely wrong - the decision was easy. The Miniature Killer trumps other notables such as Paul Millander and Nate Haskell. Like most serial killers, The Miniature Kill (real name Natalie Davis) didn€™t have the best childhood. Her father worked away a lot and her mother died at a young age leaving their father to spend more time at home and care for Natalie and her sister.

In a jealous rage, Natalie pushed her sister out of their treehouse, killing her. She watched her father clean up the blood with bleach and this caused her to have psychotic fits whenever she smelt the substance. Natalie then was adopted by Ernie Dell who she shared a love of miniatures with. Natalie€™s first murder was of washed up rock star Izzy DeLancy. An exact replica of the crime scene was found in miniature form. Natalie€™s second murder didn€™t quite go to plan when her victim had violent fits as a result of the poison which forced her to smash through a window and meant the miniature had to be meticulously altered. Natalie€™s adoptive father Ernie admitted to the killings, covering for Natalie after she revealed to him what she had done. In his video confession, Ernie killed himself in the hopes of ending the investigation but Natalie continued to kill, sending a miniature directly to Grissom€™s office.

The Miniature Killer may seem to approach each of her murders with a sense of controlled diligence but it is her ability to stop killing €“ even after her adopted father had taken ownership of her crimes €“ that is distinctly psychopathic.


Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.