15 Most Deranged TV Psychopaths

7. Joffrey Baratheon - Game Of Thrones

HBOHBOWhen we think of the last half decade of television there are no characters who come close to being as despicable as Joffrey Baratheon (or should it be Lannister?!). It is clear after just a few encounters with the young prince that he is very much a bad apple. In his encounter with Mycah the ill-fated butchers boy, we see how deranged the heir to the throne is, demanding a duel from the unarmed child. We see in this early sighting both how Joffrey savours the pain of fear of others as well as his cowardice. Many villains in Westeros are encountered committing despicable actions but at least they are bold enough to do it themselves. The son of the once-mighty Robert Baratheon is always seen hiding behind either Sandor Clegane or the Kingsguard. The responsibility owed to so many which comes with being a King in no way lessens Joffrey€™s psychotic nature. Indeed, it is only after the death of his father that we begin to see the new King€™s demented nature bloom like a repulsive flower. His maturing body also brings with it a tendency towards depraved sexual violence which King€™s Landing€™s prostitute population suffer through first hand. The people of Westeros €“ who have already suffered under the rule of the aptly named Mad King €“ are made to endure the hardships which come with the reign of a sadistic juvenile. We all did a lot of things we€™re not proud of in our young adult life but the twisted actions of Joffrey Baratheon cannot be excused. We€™d be lying if we said we didn€™t do an exuberant jig after Joffrey deservedly met his maker.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.