15 Doctor Who Actors Who Have Been In Game Of Thrones

2. David Bradley (Solomon The Trader/Walder Frey)

David Bradley appeared in the Doctor Who episode Dinosaurs on a Spaceship as Solomon the Trader. Ruthless and always looking for profit, Solomon viewed people not as people but as commodities he could sell. He became the subject of the Doctor's anger when the Time Lord discovered he had killed a number of Silurians purely so he could sell their dinosaur cargo and his attempt to capture and sell Queen Nefertiti pushed matters further. In the end, the Doctor rather uncharacteristically killed Solomon by sending him hurling through an air lock. Bradley's character in Thrones wasn't much nicer. He became infamous among Game of Thrones fans for playing Walder Frey, the perpetrator of the Red Wedding. Prideful and self-centred, Walder Frey had Robb Stark, his wife, unborn child, mother and men all killed at Edmure Tully's wedding, supposedly as revenge for Stark breaking his marriage vows to one of Frey's daughters. On a much brighter note, however, David Bradley did also portray William Hartnell in An Adventure in Time and Space, a biopic about the creation of Doctor Who. Turns out he doesn't just play sadistic villains after all.

Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.