15 Greatest Doctor Who Cliffhangers Of All Time

15. The Tenth Planet, Part Four

Imagine it's 1966. Over the last three years, Doctor Who viewers have fallen in love with this quirky children's show about a grouchy grandfather who can travel through time. They have just come to the end of an enjoyable adventure where the Doctor encountered some creepy new baddies, the Cybermen (let's hope they come back), when, suddenly, the unthinkable happens. The Doctor - the main character of the show - collapses and is engulfed by a bright light. When the light dims, the Doctor is no more. In his place, is someone completely different. Of course, nowadays it's always known when a Doctor is about to leave and so viewers tune in to their final episode expecting to see them change. This one, however, was a complete shock to those at home. It must have been a tremendous moment to watch for the first time and, by showing the Doctor's first ever regeneration, it is now a key part of the show's history and as such it is a well deserving of a place on this list. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmXoHKzp4Lc
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