Once Upon A Times head-spinning, meta-tastic approach to fairy tales revitalised the tarnished mythological genre, rebooting the age-old woes of Snow White and Prince Charming in a modern day setting. The good old two sides to every story gimmick taken quite literally with each character existing twice. Which means a slice of double-edged villainy, both played by Lana Parilla. In the normal world of Storybrook, the cunning Regina serves as the town mayor, and mother to her adopted Henry.; the latter role making her a fiercely loyal woman to be feared in the small picturesque burb. Ruling over the citizens with an iron fist, shell do anything it takes to make her power reign supreme, and if they dont dig? Carted off to jail. Her alter-ego, the Evil Queen, is a far scarier version of her various big-screen counterparts. What sets her apart from them is her reinvented backstories, imbuing a new sense of motivation for her dastardly wiles. Ruthless, armed with a supernatural arsenal and above all, wicked. Well, of course. She is Snow Whites stepmother.
Gem is a freelance writer, musician and librarian.
Her hobbies include: recreating movie death scenes from LEGO, concocting new types of bird suet cakes, walking on fresh snow and playing the glockenspiel - all at the same time.