15 Most Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In The Walking Dead

13. Death By Fire Hose

The Walking Dead Daryl Tattoos
Gene Page/AMC

Episode: Self-Help (S5, E5)

Back in Season 5, Alexandria defector Eugene was still relatively green and nervy when it came to handling walkers. So in Self-Help, when he employs his savant-like intelligence to use a deck gun atop a fire engine they’ve just found to dispatch a horde of the undead, it was quite an impressive turning point for the usually cowardly character.

It may have made for a suitably gory and fun scene watching several walkers get smooshed into a sloppy, decaying mush by a torrent of high-pressure water, but unfortunately it’s not factually possible as for a fire truck to be able to pump water its engine has to be running. Which it wasn’t.

It could be time to hire a new group of fact checkers, Scott Gimple.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.