15 Most Disturbing Black Mirror Moments

3. White Bear Justice Park

Black Mirror Season 4 Andrea Riseborough

This episode represented another jarring of moral standards. It took viewers down a rabbit hole of mystery and hit them with the cruelest of twists. Whatever you thought of Victoria at the beginning, you weren't thinking the same thing at the end.

It seemed like she was the undeserving victim of a psychotic public freak show. Harassed, tormented, chased and exhibited, Victoria embarked on a quest for freedom and answers which dropped her firmly in protagonist garb. But as it turns out, she was anything but one of the good guys. The crime in her previous life was unspeakably evil, and this was simply her punishment: An endless cycle of vengeful abuse from the public, with her mind reset so she could experience it anew.

Whether it's the horror of her crimes, the unforgiving nature of her tormentors, or the endless mob baying for blood, this episode exudes negativity and hatred on every level. The ethical reasoning of her predicament is an endless headf**k. She can't remember, so she is innocent... but there's blood on her hands, so she is not. You decide!

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net