15 Most Prominent Game Of Thrones Characters (Yet To Appear In The Show)

13. Vargo Hoat - 111 Mentions

Vargo Hoat

The Brave Companions, a mercenary group of ill repute known for their outlandish appearance, play quite an extensive role in the novels. First hired by Tywin Lannister, they eventually switch their allegiance and join forces with Roose Bolton. The group are led by the sadistic and lisping Vargo Hoat, whose speech impediment is occasionally played for laughs.

It is Vargo who chops off Jaime Lannister's hand in the books, intending to drive a wedge between Roose and Tywin when he suspects that the former may have switched sides. This is the beginning of the end for him, as his attempted rape of Brienne of Tarth results in him developing an infected bite, whilst his limbs are chopped off one by one in torturous fashion by Gregor Clegane in retribution for his betrayal.

The series gave Vargo's role to Locke, an original character who serves House Bolton. The dismemberment of Jaime therefore became somewhat nonsensical on screen, as Locke had no particular motivation for his action other than scorn given Roose's shift of allegiance. It is likely, however, that the role was created as a new character was also needed for Roose to dispatch in pursuit of Bran and Rickon Stark, who he does not know to be alive and a threat to his command of the North as of yet in the books. As a result, Locke's inclusion over Vargo makes sense for streamlining reasons, particularly as the Brave Companions eventually become the subject of some of the novel's dullest chapters (cut from the series) as Brienne hunts several of them down.

We have all been robbed of great lines such s 'Thapphireth!' as a result though...


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.