15 Most Shocking Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments

3. Angelus Kills Jenny

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Warner Bros

This list has already touched on Angel losing his soul after his night with Buffy, but just in case you thought the whole thing couldn’t get any more horrifying or depressingly bleak, here’s a reminder of Season Two’s masterful episode, Passion.

One of the show’s most iconic and tragic episodes, Passion sees Jenny trying to find a cure for Angel, only for her to be confronted by the soulless vampire at the high school and killed after a prolonged and intense chase. Snapping her neck, Angelus goes from redeemable bad guy to pure evil in just a scene.

Making it worse, he then takes her to Giles’ house and sets up the place to look like a romantic surprise, complete with roses and wine. To Giles’ horror, Angelus left Jenny on his bed for him to find, and watching his reaction – and then Buffy and Willow’s after he calls them – is completely wrenching.

A brilliant bit of storytelling, Jenny’s death sees a change in tone for the show, and whilst it ends up being absolutely incredible to watch, fans definitely wish they didn’t have to say goodbye to Jenny in the process.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other