15 Most Shocking Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments

This show certainly went places...

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy

Buffy the Vampire Slayer ran between 1997 and 2004, for seven seasons, spawning a spin-off show and a comic book series in the process.

Created by Joss Whedon, Buffy is often seen as one of the greatest shows of all time; a timeless classic full to bursting with iconic characters, plot twists and Big Bads.

Over one hundred and forty four episodes, the show had no issue with testing its audiences. Whether it was killing off major characters, introducing intriguing plot lines or presenting fans with a risky if powerful piece of drama, Buffy has always been a show willing to hurt, betray and surprise its viewers for the sake of a good story.

The following list will have a look at the show's most shocking moments, from the out of nowhere deaths, the epic speeches that came at just the right time, the most surprising bad guy reveals, and the episodes which shook the fandom and still splits viewers' opinions to this day.

Whether heartbreaking, heart-warming, or just plain confusing, here are some of the most shocking moments from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Major spoilers for the show follow.

15. The Yellow Crayon

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy

When Willow goes evil and it looks as though she may have defeated her friends, in comes the most unlikely hero to talk her down from her power-mad binge.

With Giles dying, Buffy and Dawn trapped, and everything falling down around the gang, it is Xander who steps forward to save the day.

Giving his best friend a speech straight from the heart, putting aside all his witty remarks and hyperactive personality, Xander tells Willow how much he loves her despite the bad things she’s done, and even allows her to hurt him in the process. But still he presses on, telling on a touching story about the pair and their first day at kindergarten.

Any Buffy fan will tell you this is a moment which elicits some tears, but what makes it shocking is not the fact that Xander taps into Willow’s goodness and turn her back on evil ways, but the fact that it’s Xander who saves the world, not Buffy.

An iconic and powerful moment of drama, the yellow crayon speech is a high point of the series and a true reminder of the importance of Xander to the rest of the gang.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other