15 Most Shocking Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments

14. Faith Becomes Buffy

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy

The Buffy/Faith rivalry in season three made for powerful TV, and acted as a stark reminder of just how powerful the Slayer really is. Their fight at the season’s conclusion ends with Buffy stabbing Faith with her own knife, throwing her into a coma from which doctors say she may never wake up.

After that, save for a few passing references, Faith is forgotten and left to rest.

Halfway through season four, though, she returns, armed with a weapon left to her by The Mayor which allows her to trade bodies with Buffy. Seeing the situation as the perfect opportunity to get revenge on her former adversary, Faith succeeds in allowing the pair to switch bodies.

Faith then infiltrates the Scooby Gang, sleeps with Riley, insults Tara, and aggravates Spike, all the while Buffy tries to make her way back to her friends before Faith can do some real, irreversible damage.

Buffy eventually succeeds and things go back to normal (or at least Buffy’s version of normal), allowing Faith to crossover to Angel and begin her redemptive arc. The body-switch episode remains a very intense and surprising entry to the show, and an important step in Faith long and complex journey.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other