15 Most Shocking Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments

13. The Ambiguity Of Normal Again

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The WB

Season six is a mixed bag for most fans, who either love it or hate for its tone and risks. Nearly no episode is as divisive amongst such fans as “Normal Again”, which comes near the season’s end and is the most daring and painfully ambiguous episode of the entire show.

Normal Again sees Buffy confined to a psychiatric ward, where she finds her mother is alive and well and still with her father, that Dawn never existed, and she has a doctor who tells her that her life in Sunnydale is a figment of her imagination.

Shifting between the ward and the life the audience – and Buffy – is accustomed to, Normal Again ends with Buffy accepting her life as the Slayer.

But there’s no real closure. Whether the whole situation was a ploy created by the villainous Trio, something brought about by an evil demon, or the real deal – it’s never confirmed.

Joss Whedon has gone on record to say it’s open to interpretation what the whole sequence actually means, but here’s to hoping it was something supernatural that caused it.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other