15 Most Shocking Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments
7. Xander Loses An Eye
Caleb was
an interesting addition to the show’s final season. Played with psychotic
relish by Nathan Fillion, he acts as the First Evil’s connection to the corporeal
world, an agent used to face Buffy and her growing forces.
Knowing he needs destroyed, Buffy, Spike and Xander lead the Potential Slayers to his hideout to face him. There, the group is ambushed by the First Evil’s forces, and Caleb kills a few of the Slayers as he taunts Buffy for her weakness.
As Xander tries to get the girls to retreat, Caleb blindsides him and sticks his finger in his eye, blinding him and causing audiences worldwide to either scream or squirm. Or both. Saved by Spike, Xander is taken to safety, and spends the rest of the season wearing an eyepatch.
Though the Scoobies face some big
losses during the fight, watching Xander lose his eye will always be the most
traumatic moment of the confrontation.