15 Most Visually Stunning Sci-Fi TV Shows

4. Stranger Things

The Expanse

We're sure most of you have heard of this one; Stranger Things has achieved a humongous following in recent years and it's now easily the biggest show to come out of the Netflix platform.

As a result, the distributor spared no expense as The Duffer Brothers brought their vision to life. Of course it's hard not to start with the franchise's iconic neon-lit opening, which absorbs the viewer into the town in Hawkins, but things quickly go beyond that. Much like the decade it's set in, the film's effects are inspired by many eighties classics including Alien, The Thing and Hellraiser. As such, we're treated to a healthy balance of CGI and practical effects.

In fact, the whole show is bursting with little details and references that have only heightened its popularity. From the hidden portal to another dimension right through to the Starcourt Mall, there's a consistent variety of both worldly and otherworldly sights, all of which are beautifully presented across the episodes, not to mention the scientific tech in .

Three seasons in, the show sees no sign of slowing down and there's sure to be a healthy serving of more zany sci-fi sights when the anticipated fourth season finally arrives.


A tough but fair writer and critic broadly covering games, movies and just about every type of entertainment media. Spent a good part of the last seven years blogging and more recently, making amateur videos under "The Cainage Critique". You can follow my work on my website https://robc25.wixsite.com/thecainagecritique and my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftJ6WcozDaECFfjvORDk3w