15 Saddest TV Show Moments Of All Time

14. Scrubs - Where Do You Think We Are?

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Scrubs often pushes the line between comedy and drama, which is expected given the subject matter and the show's setting. Though a silly and heartfelt sit-com at its core, the medical dramedy has more than once ripped the hearts out of its audiences.

In the Season Three episode "My Screw Up", Dr Cox sends J.D home after a patient dies on his watch. Though Cox's brother-in-law, Ben (Brendan Fraser) insists that he needs to stop blaming J.D and should stop working and go to his son's birthday party, Cox spends the next sixty hours at the hospital, unable to leave.

Ben eventually gets Cox to walk out and apologise to J.D, but on the way to the party it's suddenly revealed that Ben is a figment of Cox's imagination: Ben passed away under J.D's watch, and it's not a party they're attending, but a funeral.

It's a shocking, out-of-the-blue twist that instantly causes you to well up. Since the rest of the episode is in-keeping with the show's brand of odd humour, the shock comes as an even bigger surprise, and watching Cox realise he's been imaging Ben the whole time is incredibly heartbreaking.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.