15 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Star Wars: The Clone Wars

13. Ahsoka's Connection To Princess Leia

Star Wars The Clone Wars

Ahsoka Tano was the greatest new character added to the Star Wars franchise, introduced as the padawan of Anakin and, by the show's end, one of the franchise's most important figures.

In creating her, Dave Filoni took inspiration from Princess Leia and the confidence and swagger Carrie Fisher brought to the role. She is also meant to represent the cocksure attitude of her master and the moral, patient side of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

It is her link to Leia that is most interesting, though. During season five, when she is imprisoned for the "murder" of a terrorist suspect, Ahsoka is interrogated by Admiral Tarkin, who pinches her chin as he talks to her. This is the same way in which Tarkin threatens Leia in A New Hope.

It's a clever reference, easy to miss, but shows that Ahsoka and Leia are actually quite similar as people and that Tarkin has always been a terrible human being.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.