15 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Stranger Things

8. El Becomes Her

Stranger Things

You might remember how newcomer Max Mayfield scared the living daylights out of Lucas, Dustin, Mike and Will when she showed up in a Michael Myers costume on Halloween night, wielding a plastic knife. It was a great jump-scare moment that subsequently became a rather funny one and it essentially marked Max's official induction into the gang's group.

What's remarkable about this is the fact that when Eleven first entered the gang's lives, Dustin and Lucas were reluctant to get to know her because they feared she could have escaped from a mental hospital like Michael Myers.

There's an irony in the fact that Lucas and Dustin weren't reluctant about Max sticking around in the way that they were about Eleven in the beginning - and that Mike, in fact, was when he was all for keeping El - but it's a pretty great use of foreshadowing by The Duffer Brothers considering that, once upon a time, many feared Max was being brought in to replace El in the group. Thankfully, things didn't turn out that way.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.