15 Superhero Voice Actors Who Totally Nailed Their Characters

10. Jensen Ackles: Jason Todd/Red Hood

Red Hood Jason Todd Batman Under The Red Hood
Warner Bros. Animation

When Warner Bros. Animation set out to adapt Judd Winick's controversial comic book storyline that resurrected the long-thought dead Jason Todd, the second Robin, it's doubtful that people thought it would become one of the best DC animated movies out there. Winick's novel, while indeed popular, was immediately divisive for its reversal of the only (seemingly) irreversible comic book death out there. The death of Jason Todd had weighed so heavily on the character of Batman that, to many, the move felt clichéd, or at the very least dismissive of the character's history.

Today, Under the Red Hood is highly regarded as being among the very best animated films that WB have produced, and while Winick's screenplay has much to answer for in that regard, Andrea Romano's involvement in the project undoubtedly helped ensure the film became the success it was. Even in 2010, very few animated projects had dared recast the BTAS crew, but, seeing the tone of the project, Romano elected to bring in a whole new cast - one that included Bruce Greenwood as Batman, Neil Patrick Harris as Nightwing, and, best of all, Jensen Ackles as Jason Todd.

Ackles' performance as the resurrected sidekick is simply incredible, and indeed, one that exemplified WB's approach to adapting some of the DCU's most mature storylines. The above scene, animated during the film's climax, has to be one of the greatest Bat-scenes out there. Of course, the involvement of John DiMaggio and Greenwood helped elevate the project too, but Ackles' performance is just in a whole other league.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.