15 Times S**t Got Real In Game Of Thrones

12. Ned Vs. Jaime

Red Wedding Game Of Thrones

The increasing panic audiences felt when the circle of betrayal tightened around the Honourable to a fault Ned Stark was a long time in the making and was timed to hand wringing perfection. The culmination of this being Jaime's swaggering, boastful ambush.

Covering for the rash actions of his wife, Ned claims he gave the order to take Tyrion prisoner, raising tensions to even more dangerous levels. As Jaime, backed by an overwhelming force of Lannister soldiers calls for the attack, Ned even sends away Lord Baelish.

The first jolt of dread comes when Ned's men are murdered and Jaime kills Jory in quick, cunning fashion. We then witness a duel to the death. Jaime's speed versus the older and slower Stark is what makes you white knuckle through this scene, especially after Jory.

When a test of strength sees Jaime both severely lacking and severely concerned, hope is restored. But just as we're about to see an awakening of the old Ned Stark from the stories and songs, our legs are cut out from under us.

Seeing a favourite character on his knees in front of the man who crippled his son is the opposite of how this should end and this was hard to deal with. Ned Stark's visit in King's Landing got real and stayed real from here on out.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.