15 TV Seasons That Are Totally Flawless

9. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season Seven

Better Call Saul

The Clone Wars quickly made a name for itself as one of the most innovative additions to the Star War franchise, and as each season passed it miraculously managed to one-up itself in increasingly impressive ways.

By the show's fifth year, it was already being discussed as an all-timer, but no instalment in the series is as inventive, narratively satisfying or brilliantly conducted as its seventh and final season.

Set, for the most part, during the events of Revenge of the Sith, The Clone Wars' final stretch painted a remarkable picture of the wider Star Wars universe during the fall of the Republic, by shifting focus almost exclusively to Anakin Skywalker's former padawan Ahsoka Tano, fan-favourite clone Captain Rex, and the malevolent Maul.

With shiny new graphics and a whole host of new characters - including the Bad Batch, who're currently enjoying their own spin-off series - The Clone Wars' last season shakes up the Star Wars formula like never before, filling in several major gaps left by the films, and makes the downfall of Anakin all the more affecting in the process.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other