15 Unanswered Lost Questions That Totally Have Explanations

3. What Was With Claire's Psychic?

Lost Polar Bear

Back in Season 1, Claire goes to visit a psychic, Richard Malkin, who gets a freaky reading and refuses to tell Claire what he saw. On a separate visit, he tells her very aggressively that she has to make sure nobody else raises her baby and that she doesn't give him up for adoption. 

Later, Richard totally changes his mind, giving Claire tickets on flight 815, which will take her to a family that's going to adopt Aaron. He stresses that she must go on this flight, it can't be any other flight, and the show implies that he knew the plane was going to crash.  

The Explanation: The popular explanation of this is simply that Richard Malkin was a fraud, as he himself admits to Mr. Eko in a Season 2 episode.

But then why was he so insistent Claire got on flight 815? Well, the show never really answers this, but fans have come up with a pretty solid explanation. Jacob is known for appearing in people's lives and pulling strings to make sure they get to the island. So wouldn't it make sense that Jacob, sometime after Claire's visit, approached Richard and made him some sort of offer?

So when Richard insisted Claire got on the flight, he was doing Jacob's work, because Claire was a candidate and Jacob needed her on the island.

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.