15 Unanswered Lost Questions That Totally Have Explanations

13. Why Is Walt Special?

Lost Polar Bear

Walt is probably the main unresolved mystery of the series. In the first season, it's said that there's something "special" about him, and he appears to have some sort of magical abilities. In one episode, it's highly implied that he actually killed a bird with his mind using psychic powers, and his stepfather later says to Michael, "Sometimes, when he's around, things happen. He's different somehow." And that's about as far as the show goes.

The Explanation: It becomes clear later in the series that there are certain people who are more "connected" to the island than others, exhibiting special gifts. These people are often pegged to be the island's protector, with Hurley and Jacob also being described as special. So it seems that Walt for a while was planned to be the new protector of the island, taking over Jacob's role, but Michael intervened and took him away. 

The Lost Encyclopedia helps add on to this theory, saying that Walt "was one of the rare few humans attuned to the island, but he remained unaware of it for a long time." In the epilogue, Hurley, the new Jacob, brings Walt back to the island where he belongs, and it's implied that he'll become the new protector after Hurley.

So why's Walt special? The same reason Hurley is: he was always destined to protect the island.

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.