15 Ups & 0 Downs For Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2

14. UP — The Truth Of Beauty, The Beauty Of Truth

Star Trek Prodigy Admiral Janeway And EMH
CBS Media Ventures

Mirroring the title of the episode of Star Trek: The Original Series that preceded it, and the George Herbert poem before that, episode eight of Star Trek: Prodigy's second season puts its title in the interrogative. Re-applying both questions to Prodigy itself, the truth is, there is vast beauty in this show — a veritable feast for the senses, to paraphrase those of Ovidia IV. 

There is visual beauty, the beauty in the writing, and even the beauty of Jankom's armpits! Zero's journey to and through corporealization is equally just about one of the most beautiful things I've seen on screen in a long while. Their heartbreaking, agonising self-sacrifice for the good of the many in Ascension, Part II won't fail but to stir every emotion you have. With Zero also lies the beauty of the 'kids' show' that should be shouted from the rooftop, for children aren't natural born cynics, nor do they come pre-installed with prejudice.

Finally, there is the beauty of scientific truth this season, made manifest by Rok-Tahk, following the fine example of Captain/Admiral Janeway. In fact, as we have seen, with temporal mechanics (and tribbles) the theme, and with the real-life Dr. Erin Macdonald as consultant, season two has complex scientific theories and equations nestled beautifully throughout.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.