15 Ups & 0 Downs For Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2

13. UP — Renaissance Woman

Star Trek Prodigy Admiral Janeway And EMH
CBS Media Ventures

"Did they just pull a Renaissance Man?" I noted as I watched The Doctor impersonate, and not for the first time, (Admiral) Janeway in Touch of Grey. I'm sure many will have been delighted by the reference, and by The Doctor's (pointedly am-dram) performance. 'Renaissance' is equally a reminder of our sheer good fortune in the animated 're-birth' of pioneering polymath, but scientist foremost, Kathryn Janeway. That we were nearly deprived of her and Kate Mulgrew's superlative turn in season two borders on the criminal!

Season two is an ode to the now two Voyagers and their Captain, as much a retrospective as it is raring to embrace the present and the future. By way of the most minutely handled balance, Prodigy does exceedingly well by all of its various characters, some of whom were themselves reborn — the younger Asencia and Ilthuran, along with the aforementioned Zero, for example.

After everything she'd been through over the years, no one could begrudge Janeway that early retirement either. However, the farm in Indiana was only a temporary stay. After the attack on Mars, Starfleet had almost to begin anew, and Janeway was needed more than ever.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.