16 Best Guest Stars In Red Dwarf

7. Geraldine McEwan - Cassandra


As part of the Canary detail, the main Dwarfers get sent on a mission to an abandoned ship. Abandoned apart from a sentient being with the same power of foresight as her mythological namesake.

Playing Cassandra is former Miss Marple, Geraldine McEwan, who provides the necessary gravitas and wisdom that only an actress of her experience can. She predicts the death of the crew which causes panic and inventive ways for the boys to get out of their apparently pre-determined fates.

Her role is played as straight as a die, and the comedy happens around her. This includes an interesting interlude where Rimmer ends up seducing Kochanski by predeterminism.

No spoilers here, so you’ll have to watch to find out what happens but Geraldine adds a level of high culture that the cast admit to not being used to.

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Writer on wrestling, music and comedy - and sometimes all three at once